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Testimonials for
the Brighde-Brigantia training
and Brighde videos

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Darcie, Daughter of Brighde's Flame and going on to be a second year student of the Priest/ess

of Brighde-Brigantia training, describes how

the training has helped her to find a deeper understanding in herself!

Beate and Sarah, started the training as the online course and continued to the 2nd year. They didn't know each other before the start of the training and are no real 'sisters', who share their love for Brighde-Brigantia and work together to bring Her out in the world!

Joanne, describes how her connection with Brighde-Brigantia has changed her life for the good, making her feel much more in tune with who she really is. 

Maty started the Brighde-Brigantia training online and followed it through to the second year, coming to Glastonbury for the 'bridge weekend' and  the 5 weekends of the 2nd year. I sounds like she enjoyed the journey!

Lorye, a teacher/healing practitioner of many years, who has gone through several health challenges, says: "The Brighde course with Marion has given me renewed confidence in my abilities, and restored a strong spiritual strength."

A really clear and positive testimonial

by Priestess of Brighde and professional nurse Tracey and her husband, telling it as it is!

"The Priest/ess of Brighde-Brigantia training is not at all fluffy! It can be hard work, but it is worth it!"

Priestess of Brigantia, Caroline shares how the experiences of the Priestess of Brighde-Brigantia training made her a stronger person!

Priest of Brighde, Matthew talks about how Brighde-Brigantia inspired him to take up Blacksmithing again, just like his grandfather before him!

Brighde-Brigantia helps us remembering more and more who we really are. Becoming Her Priestess or Priest is a journey of re-connection, healing and transformation!

After she just became a Daughter of Brighde, Margie shares how the Priestess of Brighde-Brigantia training took her by surprise even after years of spiritual development!

A lovely description of Alison, Daughter of Brighde and a first year student of the Priest/ess of Brighde-Brigantia training, describing how this journey has brought her closer to home, closer to herself...

With gratitude to Joanne and Richard Mudhar for the filming and editing of the testimonials!

Videos about Brighde and the 
Priest/ess of Brighde-Brigantia training
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