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Priestess/Priest of Brighde-Brigantia
training in Avalon
Marion Brigantia
In-person and online 

The Priest/ess of Brighde
training is a 2-year experiential & transformative journey of exploring aspects of Goddess healing, empowerment and love.

The training is based in Glastonbury being taught 
on or from the sacred Isle of Avalon.

The first and the ('3rd') Brigantia year of the training can be done online. The second year is (for now) only available in-person.

The first year of the training starts every year 
around the

time of Imbolc (1st February)
and can also be done online.
Becoming a Priest/ess of Brighde in Avalon entails taking part in ten weekends over two years of reclaiming and celebrating Brighde as Goddess of the Land, as Goddess of the Wheel and as Goddess within you and all around you.

The third year offers the opportunity 
to journey with the more wild and natural energies of Brighde-Brigantia and how She can be experienced in the seen and unseen places.
Marion Brigantia, tutor of the Brighde-Brigantia
trainings, invites you to join her and start your journey with Brighde, the great Celtic Goddess and Saint! 
Daughter/son of
Brighde of Avalon

This year you will journey with Her, connecting deeply with all Her aspects on the Wheel of the Year, so to explore and invite Her presence and energy inside you.

Through this deep and intricate teaching, She can be experienced as Bridie the Maiden and Brighde as transformative Fire Goddess; Bride the Lover and Brighde as Goddess of the Healing springs and wells; Bridget the Mother and Brighde's Green Mantle which is the Earth and finally Brighid the Crone and Brighde as wise Goddess of Air.

During the training we will explore aspects of Brighid as Goddess and Saint through myth and legend, as well as touch Celtic lore and other healing pathways that energetically align with intention of the
teachings. All these exploration will invite you to forge a connection with Her in yourself.
All this will be done through working with myths & stories, exploring ways of thinking and different healing ways, sharing, meaningful ceremony, creativity and connecting with the Sacred Land of Avalon.

At the end of this year you will be able to dedicate as a daughter/son of Brighde, confirming this connection and your ongoing journey with Her.

Priest/ess of Brighde 

This year you will deepen your understanding of how Brighde’s energy can work for you and others as Priest/ess of Brighde.
You will learn about and practice specific Priest/ess pathways dedicated to Brighde, creating sacred space and special ceremonies as well as other specific Priest/ess skills and explore and touch on different aspects of Brighde as She is experienced in our world. At the end of this year you will be able to initiate as a Priestess or Priest 
of Brighde.
The training is a journey of healing, in which we also will be working with Magical and Earthly animals of which some are connected with Brighid through myth and legend: the Swan, the Snake, the Cow, the Wolf and the magical Unicorn, Selkie, 
Phoenix and Dragon.

During both years we will be expressing Her energy through poetry, songs and specific Brighde related creativity, weaving your soul’s desire into being.

Journeying with Brighde is learning to recognise Her Fire in yourself and knowing yourself worthy of shining Her light through you out
into the world.

(Available of all who have done the 1st year or
1st and 2nd year of the Brighde-Brigantia teachings)

During this 'third' online year of the Priest/ess
of Brighde-Brigantia training the focus will be
on making a deeper connection with the
natural-world and the other-world,
the untamed places within and without,
the places where Brigantia dwells.

To explore these wild places within,
you will be journeying through a guided visualisations practice, with the energies of:

Brigantia of Avalon & the Avalonian Fae,
Brigantia of Eire (Ireland) & the Tuatha de Dannan, 
Brigantia of Alba (Scotland) & the Sithe,
Brigantia of Cymru (Wales),
Brigantia of the Brigantes (North England),

Brigantia of Albion (The British Isles) 
and Her magical creatures.
To explore the wild places without,
the nature of your own land, 
you will be working with practices of:
creating and walking the labyrinth path 
organising and completing a nature quest.

To conclude the course
you will be asked to
conduct daily practices,
offer a part of an (online) public
Brighde-Brigantia gathering
to create Brigantia inspired pieces 
poetry, storytelling and/or art!

If you have completed both 1st and 2nd year,
you can initiate as  
Priestess/Priest of (Brighde-)Brigantia. 

If you have completed the 1st year,
you can dedicate as
Sister/Brother of the Clan of Brighde-Brigantia.

Please contact me for the 2023-24 dates!
All Pictures by Wendy Andrew




click here to download 

Online Intro Course:

EVERGREEN from 27th Oct 23​


The Celtic Wheel




5 explorations - 1 journey 
including a 34 pages workbook

exploring Brighde-Brigantia's 

Wheel of the Year!


During this online course you will receive 5 lessons which include videos of Marion introducing each part of this course, spoken visualisations and written materials, including 1 exercise with each part to connect on a personal level!


This introductory course could be a taster for a longer and deeper journey with Brighde-Brigantia, or will offer you an insightful experience into the wonderful world of this Celtic Goddess!


 £19 only

Booking through: or pay via the PayPal link to sign up!


More info:

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Thank you for your interest in the Priest/ess of Brighde Training!

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